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茎通常丛生。Stems often tufted.

这条新路上荆棘丛生。The new path was a thorny one.

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罪恶丛生,尽管短暂。Evil thrives, though short-lived.

任前方荆棘丛生我们将持之以恒。As we will persevere in front of thorns.

前方即使荆棘丛生。Even if the problems in front of thorns.

花为粉红色或白色,单生或丛生。Pink or white flowers grow singly or clustered.

权力会使污垢丛生。绝对权力则是一种简洁。Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.

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你呀,乌鸫,哨声在荆棘丛生的溪谷中鸣响。Ye wild whistling blackbirds in yon thorny den.

其中丛生禾草草原最具代表性。And the tussock-grass steppe is the most typical.

那么,以后地路是繁花盛开,还是荆棘丛生?Then, after the road is in full bloom, or thorns?

小型或丛生性的悬垂或多芽的标准型。Small or bushy trailer or multi- crowned standard.

1973年他们买了一处有150年历史、草木丛生的农家住宅。In1973 they bought a shaggy 150-year-old farmhouse.

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一个非洲丛生美丽的草本属,有禾草状叶。A small bunch or bundle, as of straw, hair, or grass.

那动物有著一只须毛丛生的长鼻子。The creature had a long nose bristling with whiskers.

你的皮肤有可能变得蜡黄、干燥、皱纹丛生。You could have sallow skin, dry skin, older-looking skin.

丛生花粉植物对蝴蝶更有吸引力。Clumping nectar sources is more attractive to butterflies.

在凝寒的北地依然丛生着南国的绿柳。The southern willows thrive in freezing cold of the north.

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清水石墙环抱着野花丛生的墓地。A drystone wall enclosed a graveyard where wildflowers grew.

诺基亚的前进道路上必然荆棘丛生,前途渺茫。Nokia's path is certain pain followed by an uncertain future.

如今这里荒草丛生,没有了鲜花。Now, weed grew thickly, and did not have the fresh flower here.