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他的房屋被估价为一百万英镑。He was rated as a midshipman.

这项工程估价了吗?。Has this project been costed ?

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布鲁塞尔估价定义。Brussels Definition of value BD.

他们对房子估价九万镑。They assessed the house at £90000.

那所房子他给我估价80000英镑。He valued the house for me at 80000.

他们给他房子的估价为15000元。They assess his house at 15000 yuan.

他们给他的房子估价15000元。They assessed his bouse at 15000 yuan.

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此信在伦敦一家拍卖行以404,000美元的高价售出,是售前估价的25倍。That was 25 times the presale estimate.

事实上,有些损失是不可估价的。In fact, some losses are not assessable.

这张画被估价6万镑。The painting has been valued at £60 000.

目标企业估价模型。The targeted corporation valuating module.

对自己要有正确的估价。One must have a correct estimate of oneself.

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对我们同中国的贸易彻底的重新估价。Aradical reappraisal of our trade with China.

Sharespost也辅助了部分估价工作。Sharespost also aided some of the valuations.

你最好复核一下上次的估价。You had better countercheck that last estimate.

市盈率是投资估价的重要依据。P-E ratio is important in investment evaluation.

办事员们每天估价100英亩的土地。The clerks estimated 100 acres of land every day.

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打印发票、估价、工作表和报告。Print invoices, estimates, worksheets and reports.

因为不明确的瘟疫,我没有对蓝色胶水估价。I didn’t uate the blue glue due to the vague plague.

他们派了一位估价者去给房子估价。They sent a valuer to assess the value of the house.