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即使是那些青春少女?Even teenage girls?

海羽是个迟钝的少女。Miu is a slow girl.

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1960年是一个闰年,我还只是一个有点儿笨拙和莽撞的少女,还在为彼得潘的故事所吸引。It was a leap year. 1960.

她是一个静娴的少女。She is a tranquil maiden.

那是个阿比西尼亚少女。It was an Abyssinian maid.

爱神曾造访过一位希腊少女。Love visited a Grecian maid.

所有的少女都在喊,“嘿!All the lassies cry, "Hello!"

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提斯柏是一位巴比伦少女。Thisbe was a Babylonian maid.

少女笑口开,婚事成一半。A maid that laughs is half taken.

不要让披头散发的少女。No maiden, with dishevelled hair.

少女时代是多美好的时光啊!Girlhood is such a wonderful time!

时而一群少女嬉戏。Sometimes a troop of damsels glad.

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我走过时所有的少女都在喊。All the lassies shout as I walk by.

他说都要归功于少女时代。He said all thanks to SNSD's power.

第一张是“少女时代”。So first you saw, girls generation.

我把她作为一个苗条的少女记得她。I remember her as a slim young girl.

为什么少女未婚先孕的比例仍在上升Why Teen Pregnancies Are on the Rise

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一切都始于她的少女时期。It all began when she was a teenager.

他遇到一位金发白肤的少女。He met a girl with fair hair and skin.

墨林深深地爱上那少女。Merlin fell in a dotage on the damsel.