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他对有权势者谄媚。He is obsequious to men in power.

她用谄媚的手段欺骗他。He wheedled his way onto the stage.

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还有不要陷入谄媚之中。And don't get pulled in by flattery.

谄媚之友是你最大的敌人。A flattering friend is your worst enemy.

这部小说并不完全是谄媚的。It was not an entirely flattering portrait.

他向老板谄媚以求一官半职。He fawned on his boss in order to be promoted.

今天的谄媚,将成为明天的眼泪。Today's slaver will drain into tomorrow's tear.

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他有卑屈谄媚的神情,但是声音却十分粗沙。He had a cringing manner but a very harsh voice.

我再蜜意的拥抱,也敌不外她谄媚的一笑。I'm loving hug, also is no match for her a smile.

谄媚同时腐蚀接受者和给予者。Flattery corrupts both the receiver and the giver.

取得信任通过谄媚或哄骗而说服或赢得。To convince or win over by flattering or cajoling.

尝试显得“友好”只会显得你很谄媚。Trying to be "friendly" just makes you look smarmy.

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许多谄媚的亲戚都奉承那个老富翁。Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

许多好谄媚的亲戚支巴结那个富有的老人。Many flattering relatives fawned on the rich old man.

那是长达三个月的不同寻常的谄媚。It was outrageously flattering-for about three months.

钱德勒黄鼠狼似的脸上现出了谄媚的笑容。Chandler's weasel face screwed into an obsequious smile.

谄媚的人是猫,人前舔,人后抓。Flatterers are cats that lick before and scratch belird.

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他们总是认为,我们是君王前狡诈谄媚之辈。They always hold that we are flatterers around the king.

你可以谄媚你的克莱嫚婷。You may talk about your Clementine, And sing of Rosalee.

售货员看着他,站起身,谄媚地微笑着。The Attendant looks at him, rises and smiles obsequiously.