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一望无际的大海——只愿我能渡到你的彼岸。So wide a sea, may I overcome.

我行走在一望无际的秋野上。I was walking on an endless field.

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罗望子长满一望无际的草原。O'er plains where the tamarind grew.

被拥簇在一望无际的花海里。Is crowded around in a sea of flowers.

还有那儿,简直是一望无际啊。And over there, it's an endless vast expanse.

一望无际的金灿灿的农作物展现在我们的眼前。There lies a vast extension of golden crops before us.

飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。Planes are able to fly over the endless snowfield easily.

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偶然也看到一个一望无际的沙滩,不知水有多冷?I also saw this long beach, wonder how cold the water was?

而且你可以在公园内欣赏到一望无际的东海海景。Meanwhile you can enjoy the marvelous sea view of East Sea.

在一望无际的原野上散布着一座座井架。Derricks are scattered here and there on the boundless plain.

他来到一块一望无际的不毛之地,那里荒无人烟,那是一种让人急欲离开的地方。It was desolate. It was the kind of place you hurry away from.

飞机能够毫无困难的飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。The plane can fly over the endless snowfield without difficulty.

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在那鹰鸟筑巢的地方,你可以看到一望无际的葡萄园。From the eagle's nest, there is vineyard as far as the eye can see.

飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。It's just a piece of cake for a plane to fly over the vast snowfield.

荒凉的旷野向四面伸展开去,一望无际。The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see.

飞机能够毫无困难地飞越这一望无际的茫茫雪原。The plane could get through the edge less snow-plain without difficult.

大地平平展展,偶尔有些起伏,但过去之后又是一望无际的平原了。League after league the earth lies flat, heaves a little, is flat again.

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在中东地区,转暖的气候带来了一望无际的浩瀚草原,水草丰茂,土质肥沃。In the Middle East the warmer weather brought a spread of rich grasslands.

生活是一望无际的大海,人便是大海上的一叶小舟。The life is the sea horizon, the person is the one leaf bateau on the sea.

一望无际的闪闪发光的碧水,三面为群山所衬托。Its blue gleaming expanse of water is backed by rolling hills on three sides.