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中国是否鼓励外商投资?Is foreign investment encouraged in China?

外商云集广州。Many foreign merchants gathered in Guangzhou.

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外商投资促进局把这个提议搁置了一年。FIPB had kept the proposal pending for over a year.

BATT咨询服务公司是一家外商独资企业。BATT Consulting Services Company was set up in 2002.

为外商投资项目提供标准厂房。Offer standard workshop for foreign-invested project.

现在中国允许外商独资用油企业。Enterprises wholly owned by foreigners are now allowed.

对在华于外商企业来说,这是艰苦的一年。It's been a rough year for foreign businesses in China.

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外商有意向在中国办合营企业。你向他确认道,听说他打算在中国合资经营。I hear you are going to engage in a joint venture in China.

所以你要什么样的义大利咖啡,在外商秩序?So what kind of Italian coffee should you order in a caffe?

在这个特区有多少个外商投资公司?How many foreign-affiliated companies are there in this SEZ?

外商投资企业必须在其投资经营许可证的规定。A FIE must operate in accordance with its investment license.

切实办好现有外商投资企业。Actually manage the existing foreign-invested enterprises well.

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第一章外商投资企业法概述。The first chapter The outline of foreign-funded enterprise law.

不得设立外商独资职业介绍机构。Foreign self-funded job referral service agencies are disallowed.

许多出席这次展会的人认为,这个讲话是古巴政府想给外商的一副镇心剂。Many in the audience saw the speech as an attempt at reassurance.

质权人是一家在中国注册的外商独资企业。Pledgee is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise registered in China.

实际利用外商直接投资924亿美元。The actually utilized foreign direct investment 924 billion dollars.

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非国有企业利用外商投资进行资产重组,参照本规定执行。Also, this regulation shall be applied to non-state-owned enterprises.

本公司成立于2001年,是一家外商独资企业。The company was founded in 2001, is a wholly foreign-owned enterprises.

因此外商与通事之间的关系相当微妙。The relationship between foreign businessmen and interpreters was subtle.