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雕像安放在台座上。The statue repose on a pedestal.

塑像安放再台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

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雕像安放在台座上。The statue reposes on a pedestal.

这里要放个台座,来展示我们的产品。Here we want to put pedestals on which we will exhibit our products.

嘿!刚注意到自由女神的右脚并非稳固地踏在台座上。Hey! Just noticed Lady Liberty's right foot was not firmly on the pedestal.

分析结果表明,搬运机工作时,预制场存梁台座和制梁台座桩基础仍能安全工作。It shows that the foundation of the casting yard is safe when the carrier works.

红木台座及配件名称从森时钟与新奇。Pedestal mahogany and accessories with the new name on the clock from the forest.

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金色台座的台灯也传达着含蓄的奢华风格。The desk lamp of aureate entablement also is communicating implicative costly style.

台座的另外两侧的浮雕则是被俘虏的敌人和获得胜利的士兵。On both sides of the plinths there are nreliefs of captured enemies and Love victorious soldiers.

在浇注了台座块混凝土基础后,进行了弹簧隔振元件的安装。After pouring the concrete foundation of bench block, the spring vibration isolated elements are installed.

戒指在台座上保持童贞,板斧的碎片在围绕着它,用可听见的黑暗语言小声交谈。The Ring remains intact on the pedestal with the shards of the axe around it , whispers in the Black tongue is heard.

刷横线条包括台座以下的图案和方块图案,能够将空间的高度压缩,但是增加空间的宽度感觉。Horizontal lines including picture else and box color below the dado, bring the height down, but increase the feeling of width.

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本筛机主要由筛箱、筛框、筛网、振动电机、电机台座、减振弹簧、支架等组成。This machine mainly by the screen box, screen frames, screen, vibration motor, electric pedestal, damping spring, frame and so on.

本文简单地介绍了先张法张拉台的槽式台座中的砼传力柱的设计思路。This paper introduces a design of applying pre-tensioned method to stretch the reinforced concrete transfer column in the channel base.

为此设计了主动隔振方案,制作一隔振用机器台座,下设隔振器。We design a active vibration isolation scheme making a pedestal which is set on the vibration isolaters to reduce the diffusing energy.

根据施工实践,简要地介绍了先张法槽式张拉台座中的砼传力柱的设计思路。Combined with the construction practice, the paper introduced the design idea of concrete bar dowel for pretensioned grooved stretching bed etc.

铁路客运专线箱梁体积大、技术要求严,采用整体液压内模加快了制梁台座使用频率,提高了箱梁质量。Pedestal for fabricating beams are used more frequently and quality of box girder are improved by adopting comprehensive hydraulic internal formwork.

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介绍预制沉箱的几种形式,如坞式预制、沉箱台座预制、斜坡滑道预制等的优缺点,重点介绍比较常用的沉箱预制台座的各种不同形式。The advantages and disadvantages of several types of caisson precasting, such as dock-type precasting, caisson platform precasting, sloping slipway precasting, etc.

翻身装置由砼台座、翻转轮盘、钢支腿、端部旋转扣件、锁定装置等组成。The turning-over device is composed of a concrete pedestal, a turning-over wheel body, a steel supporting leg, an end rotating buckle, a locking device and the like.

概要地介绍平衡重-顶柱式先张法钢筋混凝土预应力台座的受力变形特点和台座设计计算的内容、步骤和方法。Deformation characteristics of pre-tensioned counterweight-top pillar type R. C. prestressed Pedestal under stress and the contents, procedure and method of pedestal design calculation are presented.