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蟋蟀在草丛中高声鸣叫。A cricket shrills in the grass.

一只蟋蟀在草丛中尖声歌唱。A cricket shrills in the grass.

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高高的草丛中,我抚摸着她in the tall grasses, I feel her

娡米影在高高的草丛中。The rabbit hid in the high grass.

有时,他居住在草丛!Sometime, he dwelleth in the grass!

他挥刀从草丛中砍出一条路来。He slashed his way through the bush.

敏纳娄什在草丛里潜行Minnaloushe creeps through the grass

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杂草丛中还潜伏着其它棘手的问题。Other thorny issues lurk in the weeds.

从灯心草丛传来一阵如歌的呼号A kind of singing from among the rushes

一条蛇蜿蜒游进了草丛。A snake slithered into the thick grass.

那只马在草丛里,将跌个四脚朝天。The horse will slip up bad in the grass.

告密者指了指草丛。Then the informers pointed to the grass.

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一个高高的草丛中找到神奇宝贝工具。A tool for finding Pokémon in tall grass.

松鼠把壳果往草丛里收藏。Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.

草丛微动,他的林地里散发着印第安人气味。The moving grass, the Indian in his glade.

我们在一个小山丘的草丛里隐蔽着。We hid in a small brush on top of a butte.

松鼠把壳果往草丛里收藏。Where squirrels hides their nuts in grass.

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鳄鱼在百草丛中浮游。The crocodiles boated around in the lilies.

高高的草丛里,萤火虫忽隐忽现。Fireflies flash on and off in the tall grass.

草丛累累,堆着一些古坟。Where heaves the turf in many a moldering heap.