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买一双质量较好的球鞋。Buy a good pair of sneakers.

向市场过度提供网球鞋。Flood the market with tennis shoes.

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她在网球鞋上刷了白涂料。She put whitening on her tennis shoes.

现在我需要一双不错的网球鞋。Now I need a pair of good tennis shoes.

母亲给她买了一双网球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.

泰格。伍兹暂脱球鞋换军靴。Woods to swap golf spikes for Army boots.

我们体育锻炼时穿帆布球鞋。We wear plimsolls when doing physical exercises.

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因此,什么是一个很小的网球鞋做在此页中。So what is a small tennis shoe doing on this page.

我得为我的网球鞋买双新鞋带儿。I had to buy a new pair of laces for my tennis shoes.

我会穿着破洞的球鞋,擦伤我的双膝。I'd wear holes on my trainers, and graze up my knees.

来自加拿大的士兵穿着球鞋,进行一场曲棍球比赛。Personnel from Canada play a hockey match in sneakers.

詹姆斯受到了很大的压力——中国人也买球鞋啊。James took a ton of heat — the Chinese buy sneakers too.

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米奇将自己的脚伸进冰冷的黑色冰球鞋里。Mikey pushed her feet into her cold black hockey skates.

我先给大家一个来自“电脑穿网球鞋“中的画面。So I give you a scene from The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes.

我们在学校运动时都穿帆布球鞋。We wear plimsolls when doing physical exercises at school.

本星期你穿坏了你的第三双网球鞋。You've worn out your third pair of tennis shoes this week.

“是的,小贝总是喜欢换位置坐在我旁边,所以球鞋刚好从我的前面飞过”。Yeah, Becks used to change next to me, so it just flew past me.

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他们带着太阳镜,穿着白色牛仔裤和白色的一脚蹬网球鞋。They wore sunglasses, white jeans and white slip-on tennis shoe.

我也没什么鞋,只有学校发的平跟鞋,还有球鞋。I had no shoes except flat-heeled school shoes, and tennis shoes.

他替那些网球鞋珍重广告,就赚了不少钱。He must make much money on those tennis shoe endorsements he does.