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“现在基本上是人人自危,”Moellering说。“And now it’s basically everybody, ” Moellering said.

他统治时期法律严酷,造成了人人自危的恐怖统治。Therefore many officials were killed in his ruling period.

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有时候我们觉得中国人看人都很紧张,就是那种人人自危的感觉。Sometimes I find that Chinese always feel insecure when getting along with others.

霎时间,整个沐城陷入极度恐慌之中,人人自危,尤其是女人。At the moment, the whole city into extreme panic to bask in, sackings, especially women.

但是,这样的行为会将人们变为人人自危、记旧账和指责。But that behavior turns people into twitchy, record-keeping, blame-tallying masses of ectoplasm.

如今我们不难理解债务危机对希腊的影响多么严重,但为什么这场局部危机惊动了全世界,乃至各国“人人自危”?Now you can understand why it matters there, but why does it clatter so loudly around the rest of the world?

这一传言,令光顾过她的嫖客人人自危,最近纷纷到诊所挂号体检。This rumor, so patronized her clients feel insecure, recently have come to the clinic registration examination.

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直至目前已有2,200多人死亡,还有成千上万人被拘捕和拷打,人人自危。With over 2,200 people dead so far, and thousands more detained and tortured, almost everybody knows someone affected.

在一个人人自危的国际环境中,国际防扩散努力是不可能取得进展的。Progress in non-proliferation efforts would at best be slow in an international environment where countries feel insecure.

虽然这句话说得轻松,但是退出事件所带来了余波却不断,武汉队的球员们人人自危,慨叹命运多舛。Saying it easy, but from the aftermath of the incidents have continued, Wuhan team players a sense of insecurity, ill-fated sigh.

一旦有另外一个国家做出同样的姿态—中国,这个国家现在通过海运进口石油数量已经超过美国—美国又开始人人自危。But when another power seeks to do the same – in this case China, which now imports more oil by sea than the US – cries of alarm are sounded.

国家安全专家已经建议在阿富汗和巴基斯坦进行无人飞机攻击以达到造成基地分子人人自危的目的。National-security experts have suggested that producing this sort of cascade is the hidden agenda driving the drone war in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

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在一个失业人口膨胀,人人自危的国家,本以为这样一来,可以帮助工人保住工作,渡过难关,可是选民并不领情。You might have expected a deal that helped workers keep their jobs to play well in a country spooked by ballooning unemployment. Yet most voters hated it.

同时,马斯切拉诺承认随着阿奎拉尼处子秀上演,利物浦每个中场都人人自危。Meanwhile, Javier Mascherano accepts everyone in the Liverpool midfield now has to be on their toes following a first start for Italy ace Alberto Aquilani.

由自民党领导的执政联盟现在压力重重,国会受到的各方面的反对呼声更使得内阁中人人自危。Adding to the pressure on the governing coalition headed by the Liberal Democratic Party, the opposition submitted to Parliament a no-confidence motion in the cabinet.

低成本的现有技术不采用,而要乘客人人自危,自己判断、自行采取破坏行动,是与现实脱钩落伍领导水平,时下称为懒政。Low costs, by the existing technology and sackings, their own judgement, passengers to take action, is destroyed and level of leadership, outdated decoupling nowadays called lazy administration.