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安东尼奥一声不吭。Antonio was silent.

吉米一声不吭。Jimmy said nothing.

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这些人排成一列排队一声不吭地出发了。The men filed away silently.

他坐在角落里一声不吭。He sits silent in the corner.

她们全神贯注一声不吭。They are too engrossed to talk.

这个男人一声不吭,站在她旁边。He man, silent, stood beside her.

他坐在旁边一声不吭。He sat there without saying a word.

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一声不吭。直到你生气的回头看我。Don't look back in anger, I hear you say.

你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

他一声不吭地忍住了疼痛。He bore the pain without a word of complaint.

约翰总是一声不吭地一坐就是几个小时。John would sit for hours without saying a word.

罗杰天性沉默寡言,他一声不吭。Roger, uncommunicative by nature, said nothing.

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脸皮真厚!她一声不吭把我的收音机拿走了!What a nerve ! She just walked off with my radio!

这孩子甘受处罚,一声不吭。The boy submitted to the punishment without a sound.

听到这个消息他一声不吭地离开了。He walked off without any word when he heard the news.

这个男孩一声不吭地匆匆溜走。The boy skipped off without saying anything to anyone.

哈丽特一声不吭,带着驯顺的感激之情吻了吻她的手。Harriet kissed her hand in silent and submissive gratitude.

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那个囚犯一声不吭地坐着,没说任何为自己辩护的话。The prisoner sat mute , offering nothing in his own defence.

你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。You can't clam up. And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

老约翰一声不吭的站在那里,因为他正怒火中烧。Old John stood there speechless , for he is burning with anger.