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他们将不会有陈列室。They will not have showrooms.

我看见一个男孩在货品陈列室行窃。I saw a boy thieving in the showroom.

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我以前不知道贵公司在广州有个陈列室。I did't know you had a showroom in Guangzhou.

我以前不知道贵公司在广州有个陈列室。I didn't know you had a showroom in Guangzhou.

那些男孩给陈列室里的跑车迷住了。The boys drooled over the sports cars in the showroom.

对我们许多队员来讲,超级杯是一座陈列室中丢失的奖杯。It is a trophy a lot of us are missing from the cabinet.

中国工厂的产品陈列室China’s showroom for the world’s factory. Pink unicorns, anyone?

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当我进入图拉蒂大街的奖杯陈列室时,我惊讶地张大了嘴。My mouth was wide open when I entered the Cup room in Via Turati.

这是宝物存放台中时的雾峰陈列室。An exhibition room used when the collection was stored in Taichung.

这是当时有很多在陈列室窗口,并没有在贮藏室。It is a time when there is much in the showroom window and nothing in the stockroom.

在灯饰之都-古镇镇拥有专门陈列室。In the capital of lamp decoration ----There are special showrooms in the Guzheng town.

本陈列室澳洲收藏品包含毛利族服装与饰品。The Australian collections in the exhibition room include Maori costume and ornaments.

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在陈列室有这样一条长的队因此我们必须等大约半小时。There was such a long line at the exhibition so we had to wait for about half an hour.

这个工作室共计200平方米,包括一个陈列室和一个可以居住的工作室。The studio with a total area of 200 sq. m combines a showroom and a home-and-work place.

将现存建筑物建造成一座符合最现代化要求的汽车陈列室。A car showroom to meet the most modern demands was constructed onto an existing building.

造成血色素沉著症的基因变异只是创始者突变「罪犯相片陈列室」的一员。The hemochromatosis gene aberration is just one of a rogue's gallery of founder mutations.

望眼特拉维夫的北部海滨,乐土公司的产品陈列室建立在一个油罐储存地的废墟上。Within sight of the beach north of Tel Aviv, it was built on the ruins of an oil-tank farm.

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庞大的SUV和坦克样的车辆和乏味的小轿车像蜂鸟们为夺取比赛陈列室的空间。Enormous SUVs and tank-like vehicles like the Hummer compete for showroom space with banal, small sedans.

陈列室位于商业中心,可为商品陈列与示范操作提供非常有利的条件。Our showrooms, situated in the business center, offer admirable facilities for display and demonstration.

欢迎您莅临IMAL陈列室欣赏新时代男女服装,我们确定让您轻松体验购物的乐趣。You're welcome to IMAL Showroom for men's or women's wear, we ensure you the best shopping experience possible.