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我能否提早插班读这门课程?Can I skip to this course?

学员自愿插班,且通过相应的学员水平测试后方可安排插班。Students willing to transfer in should take an English level test first.

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语言中心可以随时插班的吗?希望各位可以给我一点帮忙。I suggest you should prepare for your Lpi test instead of taking Esl courses.

外国留学生也可选择其他专业进行插班学习。Foreign students can also choose to enter proper classes to learn other majors.

各年级、各班各有多少名插班的外国学生?他们如何学习?How many foreign students are there in each grade? How is their academic study arranged?

可惜好景不长,三年级插班时并入二班,亦搬家至先住地。But good times don't last long, the third grade students into two classes, also moved to first place.

插班考试将于九月十一日早上举行。请参加考试的学生准时报到。The placement test will be held this Saturday, September 11. If you are taking the test, please arrive on time.

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学员因自身原因没有参加试听将视为自动放弃试听权利。插班的学员没有试听期。If you don't attend class trial because of your own problem, we will regard it as a quitclaim. Students who transfer in don't have an class trial.

针对韩国中文系留学生的语言储备状况和学习特点,插班不失为一种行之有效的对外汉语教学形式。Late enrollment is an effective TCFL form for the South Korean students learning Chinese due to their previous Chinese knowledge and learning traits.

我为孩子在原学校保留了学籍,这样我可以在假期带孩子回国插班与老师同学有继续学习的可能和凭学籍卡申请中学。I have completed the procedures to keep my children's names on the school roll. So as to take them back to China on holidays to continue studying , and to apply for middle schools.

本人如为重读或插班就读培训课程,则同意在缴费后,不再申请转班、预留或退学。I agree that I would not apply for transferring or reserving or withdrawing from the study after the payment, if I choose to attend the course for the second time or reentry into the course.