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他们究竟为什么从金库里偷那么多钱?Why did they steal so much money anyway?

古人有金库或保险箱吗?Did the ancients have exchequers or safes?

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它就像一个迷你的诺克斯堡金库,根本不可能打开。It'll be a mini-Fort Knox, impossible to open.'

邓布利多的防范严密的金库是713号。Dumbledore's high security vault was number 713.

究竟算是偷金库还是偷民宅?。Be all steal exchequer or steal civilian curtilage?

我们把钱整毛或分批送交金库。We deliver the money in mass or in instalments to the treasury.

那个悠闲的男子对金库里的财宝没有采取措施。The leisured man took no measure for the treasure in the treasury.

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如果你渴望财富的话,把你的钱存到壁垒城的矮人金库中吧。If you desire money, store it at the Dwarven Treasury in a Rampart.

他们究竟为什么从金库里偷那么多钱?将近五千万呢。Why did they steal so much money anyway? It was almost 50 million yuan.

周祥先生亲自去银行的金库将这批藏品护送至了博物馆。Zhou himself went to the bank vault to move the collection to the museum.

我不能容忍那个悠闲男子对金库财宝采取的措施。I can’t endure the leisured man’s measures for the treasures in the treasury.

金库中箱子太多,难以找出印版的藏匿处。Treasury in a box too much, difficult to find out the printing plate hiding place.

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金库的门肯定是在14个月大的小女孩进去之后,关上了。The door of the vault must have shut after the 14-month-old child had walked inside.

无论真正的格兰芬多宝剑在哪儿,反正不在古灵阁银行的金库里。Wherever the genuine sword of Gryffindor is, it is not in a vault at Gringotts bank.

Farley告诉WebMD,那些记忆是“珍贵之物,就像家庭金库里的黄金。”Those memories are "precious stuff, like gold in a family vault, " Farley tells WebMD.

银行的金库有条秘室通道,有人通过这条通道破坏金库。Bank vault room there is a secret channel, through this route someone destroy the coffers.

伏地魔要过多久才知道他们闯入了莱斯特兰奇家的金库?How long would it be before Voldemort knew that they had broken into the Lestranges' vault?

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探索了在深化金融改革中,如何建立和完善国家金库管理体制。Explore how to based and consummate nation exchequer menage system on deepen finance fashion.

共和国、分离势力、帝国和义军的财产都被保管在戒备森严的金库里。Republic, Separatist, Imperial, and Rebel treasures were stored within well- protected vaults.

我想再那建一个地下酒吧。表面上是一个优雅的餐厅,但原来的地下金库里。I want to make it into a speakeasy. In the front. an elegant restaurant, But down in the vault.