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米-28与mi-24直升机群。The Mi-28 and Mi-24.

直升机和滑雪者在红宝石山。Heli-Ski the Ruby Mountains.

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你为什么喜欢飞直升机?Why do you like to fly heli?

一顶视图的直升机。A top view of the helicopter.

一架直升机在头顶盘旋。A helicoptor circled overhead.

他乘直升机来到首都。He helicoptered to the capital.

大厦顶部有三个直升机停机坪。Three helipads are on the roof.

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直升机使用汽油机。Helicopters use gasoline engines.

反恐组的支援直升机从空中飞过,抵达了现场。The CTU chopper arrives overhead.

美军直升机头盔。US Gentex Helicopter Crew Helmet.

你可以乘坐直升机去那个岛。You can helicopter to the island.

直升机也看上公务机市场。Helicopter also spotted jet market.

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直升机将在和谐世界时0910时抵达。Helicopter will arrive at 0910 UTC.

它也可在直升机上操作。It also operates from a helicopter.

我们在UCLA可以看见许多直升机,And we get to see a lot of them at UCLA

双方都备有直升机和高压水枪。Both have helicopters and water cannon.

完成所有的直升机攻击任务。Complete all instances of Heli Assault.

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一架直升机出现在他们上空。A copter appeared in the sky above them.

他们乘直升机从南京去了上海。They choppered from Nanjing to Shanghai.

那架直升机就在我们头顶的上方。The helicopter is staying over our heads.