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男孩忘着天空,久久不能囬神。Do you know Sky can cry ?

我时常久久独坐。I often sat, for hours together.

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你的声音在我心中久久回绕。The sound in my mind never faded away.

港翛对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。First impression of you is most lasting.

久久盼望的春天终于要来了。The long-expected spring is finally coming.

久久盼望的春天终于要来了。The long-expected spring is eventually coming.

它将久久地,久久地钱在我的心里。It will be impressed in my heart for a long time.

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在落下的尘埃前久久守候,哭泣。Who keep long vigils by the silent dust, and weep.

我读了鲁宾逊漂流记之后,心情久久不能平静。Robinson Crusoe after I had read, the mood be calm.

她们久久地向远方注视着,光线慢慢暗下来。The light is fading as they gaze into the distance.

狐狸说到这里就不作声了,它久久地看着小王子。The fox gazed at the little prince, for a long time.

远远望去,像幅静止的油画,久久地印在我的心里。From afar, like a static painting, forever in my heart.

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我们凝视着这个城市的美丽景色,久久不能离开视线。We gazed at the wonderful viw of the city for a long time.

“电影”结束了,可我的心却久久不能平静。"Film" is over, but my heart for a long time can not calm.

最后久久地凝视了她一眼,我转身离开了收容所。And with one long last look, I turned and left the hospice.

他深深地吸了一口大麻,久久含住不吐,连脸都憋紫了。He took a big sip and held it so long he almost turned blue.

我刚刚从杂货店购物回来,心情久久不能平静。I just came back from the grocery store and I’m ripping mad.

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当时我久久不停地按“进出”键,感受友谊的力量。I spent a long, long time pressing that in-out-in-out button.

他久久地盯着她,想找回那个爱狄的影子,那个从维斯康星来的女孩。He looks at her face trying to see Adie, the girl from Wisconsin.

余味悠长,轻盈的感觉令人回味久久。Long after-taste, the feeling of lightness memorable a long time.