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她东家行礼、西家打躬。She bowed his bow, hezekiah play.

第18副,东家发排,南北有局。Board 18. Dealer East. North-South vul.

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她是一个喜欢东家长西家短的长舌妇。She is a woman who likes to tittle-tattle.

乔科尔对新东家流露出崇拜之情。Joe Cole on the new owner reveals his adulation.

不久,东家老爷姚思安出来了,看一切齐备了没有。Soon the master appeared to see that all was in order.

“她是我的东家,”那孩子说,“她是开客店的。”"She is my mistress," said the child. "She keeps the inn."

嗯,他们有同一个东家,狗儿争辩道。Well, they belong to the same master, retorted the yard-dog.

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小丹,新年换了新东家,致力于演艺事业。Dennis Oh, building a new nest for new year, devoting to acting.

Babs放弃第二墩黑桃,接着东家回打方块7。Babs gave up a second spade, and East returned the diamond seven.

东家西舍同时发,北去南来不逾月。Dongjiaxishe at the same time, north to south is not more than a month.

萨博汽车新的东家庞大青年汽车将会继通用和福特之后开始一段冒险的旅程。Saab’s new owners Pang Da and Youngman have an advantage over GM and Ford.

可是,他太太所喜欢的就是成天和她那些朋友聊东家长西家短。But all his wife likes to do is chew the fat with her friends all day long.

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我经常看到她和其他的女人在一起东家长,西家短地说人家的闲话。I often see her talking with other women and dishing the dirt about someone.

而曾经的自称为国王的家伙将带着诅咒去南方的新东家。The self-declared former "King" will be taking the "curse" with him down south.

有一个东家曾经提到过,群舞队员的相貌差了一些。One of the proprietors had suggested that the chorus was a little weak on looks.

这一电影节将于3月21日,在FSR的新东家--位于得克萨斯州的奥斯汀市举行。The fest will take place in FSR’s new hometown, Austin, Texas, from March 13-21.

他现在去瑞士与他的新东家利物浦会合。He is now on his way to Switzerland to team-up with his new Liverpool team-mates.

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然后他问,如果想重建公司,是投靠一个新东家简单呢,还是自己独立发展更简单。Then he asked whether it would be easier to rebuild with or without a new parent.

每天我已只能赚三十个苏了,那些东家却还在我的年纪上用心思,尽量减少我的工钱。I was not earning more than thirty sous a day. They paid me as little as possible.

尤文图斯已经将年轻前锋兰扎法梅租借到了巴里,下赛季将会为新东家效力。Juventus have sent young striker Davide Lanzafame on-loan to Bari for the new season.