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“总蒜有了私宅,不错的一块地产,”博古特说。"I have a house nice property" Bogut said.

总算有了私宅,不错的一块地产,博古特说。"I have a house, nice property, " Bogut said.

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私宅外借,中介免谈,老式装修,配套齐全。Private house, no mediation, old fitment, form a complete set.

这座有百年历史的老房,过去是一个私宅。This old house of centuries old used to be a private property.

我们在山边有一处度周末的乡间私宅。We have a farm near the mountains that we go to on the weekends.

拥有私宅是所有英国人心中压倒一切和根深蒂固的强烈愿望。Home ownership has been an overarching and innate desire of the British.

所以嘛,跟许多关注健康的消费者一样,她在自己私宅里开了个生态菜园。So, like many health-minded consumers, she planted a vegetable garden on her property.

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林赛·休斯曾写道,彼得大帝1717年去巴黎时,他没有住在卢浮宫而是住在一所私宅里In 1717 in Paris, Lindsey Hughes reports, he went to a private house instead of the Louvre palace.

林赛·休斯曾写道,彼得大帝1717年去巴黎时,他没有住在卢浮宫而是住在一所私宅里。In 1717 in Paris, Lindsey Hughes reports, he went to a private house instead of the Louvre palace.

子弹来自街对面的一栋私宅的屋顶,可能是由一名狙击手射出,他说。The shot was fired from the rooftop of a private house across the street, perhaps by a sniper, he said.

据报道,两人约会仅一月即步入礼堂,婚礼在凯莉位于巴哈马群岛的私宅里举行。Media said they have dated for only one month and they got married at the home Carey just bought in the Bahamas.

但是,到了1998年8月,当他们在缅因州肯纳邦克波特布什家族的私宅再次见面时,情况发生了变化。But by August 1998, when they were together again at the Bush family house in Kennebunkport, Maine, that had changed.

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假如某人未经许可擅入私宅,他就会因侵入或偷窃行为而受到控告。If one enters a private house without asking for permission, he is likely to be accused of trespassing or even burglary.

私宅中可用房间数的增加缓解了客房总体不足的问题。The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage.

那个百科全书推销员似乎一定要进来,而我则决意不让他进来——按英国的习俗不容任何人擅入私宅。The encyclopaedia salesman seemed determined to come in and I was just as determined he wouldn't—an Englisheman's home is his castle.

几十年来,西班牙海岸一直都是欧洲最理想的海边度假胜地,有钱人会躲到这里的私宅来度假。For decades, the coast of Spain was a quintessential European seaside destination where the wealthy retreated to private homes on holiday.

如果政府为公共利益而征用私宅的土地并提交给私人团体,那么法院不会去阻止。If the city decided that taking homeowners' land and giving it to a private party was in the public's interest, then the court would do nothing to stop it.

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中国古典式建筑、优美的庭院式风格,据说曾是清朝末年邮政大臣盛宣怀的私宅。Chinese ancient architecture, graceful courtyard style. The house is said to be the private mansion of Sheng Huaixuan, a postmaster general in late Qing Dynasty.

劳埃德请求老爸照顾他的两个孩子因为他准备自决于世。就在他试图在私宅上吊时,他儿子破门而入救下了他。Lloyd asked him to look after his children because he was going to commit suicide but was thwarted when his son found him trying to hang himself at the family home.

综合房屋经纪的观察,每10个客户,有1至3名买主请风水师一同选屋,当中以私宅或大型组屋买家居多。Integrated housing broker observation, every 10 customers, there is 1-3 with a buyer , please geomancers house election , with private residence or a large majority of HDB buyers.