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香槟香槟是什么?。What Is Cuvee Champagne?

粉红色的香槟浸着冰块。The pink champagne on ice.

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我喝了一杯香槟。I drank a cup of champagne.

粉红色的香槟浸着冰块。Thee pink champagne on ice.

请你把香槟冰一冰好吗?。Will you ice the champagne?

他调情、倒香槟。He flirts and pours champagne.

那么,倒出完美香槟的奥秘在哪里呢?So the secret to a perfect glass?

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宝禄爵干型香槟,,法国香槟产区。Pol Roger Brut, Champagne, France.

早餐有香槟吗——为什么不?Champagne with breakfast? – Why not?

但是,谁愿意沉溺于香槟啊?Still, who wants to wallow in champagne?

这也正是你在啜饮香槟时口感怎么会这么好的原因。Which is fine if you're sipping champagne.

香槟从瓶子中不断地溢出来。The champagne is spilling out of the bottle.

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带香槟和三剑客糖果棒?Bring champagne and a Three Musketeers bar"?"

你想要和朋友们共饮香槟?Do you want to have friends in for champagne?

白葡萄汽酒是穷人的香槟。Sparkling white wine is the poor man's champagne.

赠送香槟一瓶,及婚礼蛋糕一个。A bottle of sparkling wine and wedding cake for free.

香槟的选择也并不依靠年份。And the champagne of choice is decidedly non-vintage.

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另一个女人使用一个巨大的香槟玻璃杯和梯子。Another one used a huge champagne glass and a ladder.

这真的能让香槟不走气吗?Could this really stop the champagne from going flat?

喝不完的香槟,如何保持气泡不流失?How to Avoid Bubble Losing from an Uncorked Champagne?