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你好,我叫吉米。我想改订一下航班。Hello, I'm Jimmy. I'd like to change my flight.

你好,我叫李磊。我想改订一下航班。Hello, I'm Li Lei. I'd like to change my flight.

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他们已改订了暑期计划。They have remade their plans for the summer vacation.

我想把9月26日预订的班机取消改订9月29日的班机。Septem ber 26, and book one on September 29 instead, please.

我们恐怕没有空余的套房了,您介意改订双人间吗?I'm afraid we have no available suite, would you mind rewrite twin?

我们恐怕没有空余的套间了。您介意改订双床间吗?。I'm afraid we have no suites available. Would you mind a twin instead?

我们恐怕没有空余的套房了,您介意改订双人间吗?I'm afraid we have no vacant suits, would you mind order a double room?

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我希望能改订一下,可是好像他们根本来不了。I wish I could, but now it appears that they won't be able to come at all.

我们恐怕没有空余的套房了,您介意改订双人间吗?We are afraid that there are no spare suites . Would you mind booking a double room ?

我们恐怕没有空余的套件了,您介意改订双人间吗?。I'm sorry to tell you there are no suite, would you mind having a double room instead?

我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,你介意改订双人间吗?I am sorry we do not have enough suite rooms , would mind having a double room instead?

我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,您介意改订双人间吗?I'm sorry to tell you that we have no vacant suites, would you mind order a double room?

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我们恐怕没有空余的套间了,你介意改订双人房吗?We are afraid that we are fully booked for suites. Would you mind having a double room instead?

那么,为何改订新约运动能取得这样的成功,其中的原因自然值得研究。So it is worthy researching the reason why"Treaty Re-negotiation Movement"can succeed in such a situation.

我们恐怕没有空余的套件了,您介意改订双人间吗?We are afraid that there are not any vacant suits available now, do you mind changing to book double rooms?

奥马·卡雅姆是我所知的唯一诗人兼数学家,于公元1079年改订过历法。Omar Khayyã¡m, the only man known to me who was both a poet and a mathematician, reformed the calendar in 1079.

改订新约运动是南京国民政府建立初期所进行的最主要的外交活动。Treaty Re-negotiation Movement was a very important diplomatic activity of Nanjing Nationalist Government during its initial period.

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其中一贯以教育优先发展的日本进行了新一轮教育课程基准的改订,颁布了新学习指导要领。As a nation knows for placing considerable priority to education, Japan revised its curriculum standard, and issued the new Course of Study.

有些得不到任何补偿,有些改订到其他航线的稍后航班,而有些给予某种现金或者机票折扣。Some are given nothing, some are booked on later flights on other airlines, and some are given some kind of cash or airline ticket incentive.

谢谢你的理解。我们建议你改订其他产品。因为这款产品的生产很紧张。Thank you for your understanding . i suggest that you could order other products else instead . because the production of this product is quite tight.