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教养赛过天性。Nurture passes nature.

她是一个很有教养的人,也是一名成功的生意人。She was a cultured person.

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他是个有教养的孩子。He is a well-brought-up boy.

他是个没教养的年轻人。He is an ill-bred young man.

他是个教养不良的孩子。He is a badly-brought-up boy.

杰克这人缺乏教养。Jack is a man of ill breeding.

弟弟和我都是读过书、有教养的孩子。My brother and I are educated.

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她是个很有教养的年轻人。She is a well-bred young woman.

他出生并被教养成绅士。He was born and bred a gentleman.

自夸被认为是没有教养的。Self-praise is no recommendation.

教授教养相长。Teaching others teaches yourself.

不文雅或没有教养和品位。Lacking tact, refinement, or taste.

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自我标榜会被认为没有教养。Self-praise is felt to be ill-bred.

没用教养的孩子。“袋熊嘟囔着。"Kids! No respect" grumbled Wombat.

出生固然重要,但教养更重要。Brith is much, but breeding is more.

处女座的人非常聪明、有教养。Virgos are very bright and educated.

那么凡勃伦所谓的“教养”和“举止”还有吗?As for Veblen's 'breeding' and 'manners?

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自满被认为是没有教养的。Self-praise is considered to be ill-bred.

凯特的新男朋友是一个很有教养的年轻人。Kate's new boyfriend is a very couth youth.

宣泄的道路和方式多与自身教养相关。Ways and means to give more self-cultivine.