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在无人知晓的时候。When none will know.

知晓自己的学号。Know your student number.

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如果只能这样,我又该从何知晓?If it's all, how would I know?

这一点几乎无人知晓Nobody knows anything about it.

并且他们终会因我们的爱而知晓我们。And they will know us by our love!

他知晓,自我就是享用He who knows Self as the enjoyer of

本人父亲知晓史乘。My father was well-read in history.

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请祢帮助我们知晓如何去播种我们的眼泪。Help us to know how to sow our tears.

除你我以外,无人知晓。Nobody else knows, barring you and me.

因此我毫不知晓莫里得病的情况。So I did not know of Mor rie's illness.

但是有件事是很清楚的,而且早就被人知晓But one thing is clear and pretty early.

就像隐秘的爱情,无人知晓。As the secret love of which no one knows.

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在每个人的内部它是知晓。It is the knowingness within each person.

他渴望知晓,何谓优秀的纳粹党人?What, he wanted to know, was a good Nazi?

你认为他知晓什么才是内心的平静吗?Do you think he knew what inner peace was?

那座塔是什么时候建的无人知晓。When the tower was built is still unknown.

所以何不去到某处,某处只有我们知晓。So why don't we go, somewhere only we know.

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济南每天都会发生这么多事情,无从知晓确实是一种遗憾。This is a pity as Jinan has a lot going on.

林午阳知晓了彪子的心思,责骂彪子了。Lin Wu Yang knows puma son mind, scold puma.

鄂尔多斯这座城市在中国境外几乎无人知晓。Ordos is a city that few outside China know.