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罗堂的姊妹是提默纳。Lotan's sister was Timna.

我同母异父的姊妹是个护士。My stepsister is a nurse.

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但是我确实有二个姊妹.But I did have two sisters.

她是克莱儿的孪生姊妹。She is Claire's twin sister.

巴黎和北京结成姊妹城市。Paris is twinned with Beijing.

在所有的姊妹中她是佼佼者。She outshines all her sisters.

欢迎你各姊妹兄弟。Wele all brothers and sisters.

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本市与汉城结成姊妹市。Our city is twinned with Seoul.

留下了我们姊妹弎和母亲相依为命。San left our sisters and mother.

她的姊妹有七人之多。She has as many as seven sisters.

她的姊妹有七人之多。She have as many as seven sisters.

她将为死去的姊妹们报仇。She will revenge her dead sisters.

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我的小姊妹想要帮助我.My small sisters wanted to help me.

我的姊妹穿上他们的最好地穿着.My sisters put on their best dresses.

为陈李慧莲姊妹左手受伤康复祷告。Pray for Irene's left arm's recovery.

他有好几个兄弟姊妹。He has quite a few brothers and sisters.

为徐薇姊妹的家人祷告。Pray for the family of Mrs. Xuwei Malik.

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他们的姊妹是洗鲁雅和亚比该。Whose sisters were Zeruiah, and Abigail.

之后,我在一次植物展销中认出了它的孪生姊妹。I later spotted its twin at a plant sale.

默斯格罗夫太太和海特太太是姊妹俩。Mrs Musgrove and Mrs Hayter were sisters.