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给你的节目取个朗朗上口的名字。Give your show a catchy title.

有些人会跟著唱。旋律还挺朗朗上口的。Some sing to it. The tunes are quite catchy.

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他曾写过朗朗上口的歌曲,是一个才华横溢的职业舞者。He wrote some catchy songs. He was a brilliant hoofer.

它以朗朗上口的韵脚来帮助他们记起月份。It helps them memorize the months with a catchy rhyme.

想出了一个为它朗朗上口的标志,我已批准。Come up with a catchy logo for it that I have to approve.

他们比其他人更容易学习外语,很快就能朗朗上口。They may also pick up foreign languages more easily than others.

你说你再也不会写朗朗上口的流行歌曲了?。You said you won't write pop songs with catchy melodies anymore.

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他的文章中经常出现重言,读来朗朗上口。Words were usually repeated in his article, which make it easy to read.

学生用英语表达,使学生对所学单词朗朗上口。After that let the students give orders and the teacher does the actions.

用上面的文字谱一曲朗朗上口的调子,给一个流行乐队,或者仔细的读进心里?Compose a catchy tune and offer it, with the words above, to a pop group?

显然,交易代码如果过于朗朗上口也是要付出一些代价的。Clearly, the benefits of a catchy ticker symbol are not without some sacrifice.

我是听着重金属和摇滚长大的,然而我觉得你的歌非常的朗朗上口。I grew up listening to heavy metal and rock, yet I find your songs really catchy.

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凤凰传奇的热门歌曲“最炫民族风”很朗朗上口,我喜欢!Phoenix Legend's hit song "The Most Dazzling Folk Style" is so catchy! I love it!

该曲调朗朗上口,一时间受到了区队职工的欢迎并传唱开来。The catchy tunes, for a time by employees of the district team to welcome and sung off.

译者成功地用一种朗朗上口的地道英文转达了海氏一贯铺张的写作风格。He succeeded in presenting Heidegger's often turgid style in a readable and idiomatic English.

之后再为网站取个好名字,最好是朗朗上口的那种,让人随便一看都能很轻易的记住它。Then as the site for a good name, it is best that GetWord, people at a glance can easily remember it.

香港独立明星林一峰写了朗朗上口的歌曲,一个很酷的视频放到了优酷网上。A cool video on YouTube soon followed featuring a catchy song written by Hong Kong indie star Chet Lam.

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是MJ让我知道,音乐不仅仅是和朋友一起玩耍时听的朗朗上口的歌曲而已。It was MJ that made me see music is more than just catchy songs you listened to while playing with your friends.

首先,歌曲和旋律朗朗上口,反之,歌词随着旋律也会更容易融入到你的脑海当中。Firstly, songs are catchy, and the melodies, and, in turn, the words that follow them, do tend to stick in your mind.

我们常见有些朗朗上口的标语的译文,不够严谨,或有硬译、死译的现象。We often find that the translation of some fluent Chinese slogans is not exact or has mechanical translating phenomena.