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许多新发现已公诸于世。Many new discoveries have been brought to light.

我想要把这件事公诸于世。I wish to make this matter known to the general public.

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这一篇是要将为何好久没有更新的原因公诸于世。This post is about the reason why I haven't been updating my blog.

与肯-贝茨的谅解备忘录公诸于世后,他就离任对俱乐部的指控至此结束。Bates is announced and his suing the club over his departure is over.

这件事在公诸于世之前早就传得满城风雨。Before the matter was publicly announced, it had long been in the air.

这件事在公诸于世之前早就传得满城风雨了。Bofore the matter was publicly announced, it had long been in the air.

对话的电文于1995年10月10日由海战军事行动最高指挥官公诸于世。Radio conversation released by the Chief of Naval Operations 10-10-95.

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有报道称,这项交易将于周一早上被公诸于世。The proposed sale could be announced by Monday morning, the report said.

所以即使没有合作项目,更大的公开性也会使药物专利公诸于世。So if collaboration does not do the trick, perhaps greater openness will.

我们有权在这里和平集会,并将这些事实公诸于世。We have peaceably assembled here, as is our right, to let these facts be known.

为了将美国老人受歧视的现象公诸于世,我们让她搬进来。We let her move in because we want to make a statement about ageism in america.

用密码记录的内容,经过检视完全不能公诸于世。The part written in cipher – turned out after examination to be entirely unpublishable.

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微软将其iPad杀手公诸于世将仅仅是个时间问题。It’s surely only a matter of time before Microsoft unleashes its iPad killer on the world.

第一个尘埃颗粒于三月被公诸于世,也于星团实验中被捕捉到。The first dust particle, also captured by the Stardust experiment, was announced in March.

与肯-贝茨的谅解备忘录公诸于世后,他就离任对俱乐部的指控至此结束。A settlement with Ken Bates is announced and his suing the club over his departure is over.

一些人也许想知道为什么这个网络花絮花了这么久的时间才公诸于世。Some of you might be wondering why the webisodes have taken so long to begin airing on the web.

2009年,当这具多塞郡上龙的颅骨被公诸于世的时候,古生物学家对其颚骨进行了测量。Paleontologist measures the jaw bone of the Dorset pliosaur in 2009, when the find was first announced.

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但三十年前,肯尼迪却能避过传媒耳目,不让其混乱的男女关系公诸于世。But, three decades earlier, John F. Kennedy was able to keep his now notorious promiscuity from the press.

计画的制定已经被游说与国会内的秘密协商所取代,几乎不会公诸于世。Planning has been replaced by lobbying and backroom deals in Congress that are nearly opaque to the public.

可惜他未能在死前将他对当地野花和野禽的观察公诸于世。Thoreau died, however, before he could publish his detailed observations of local wildflowers and wildfowl.