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要不了几个小时我们还会再见面的。It will not be hours before meet again.

“要不了多久”墨西哥人回答道。"Not very long, " answered the Mexican.

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这要不了多久的。-你也来吧。I shan't be gone long. --- You come too.

这活儿要不了这么多人。You don't need so many people for this job.

要不了多久,可怜的小胖子托曼就要体会到了。As poor 'plump Tommen may be about to learn.

“要不了多久,你也会去哪儿的。”哈利对她说。"It won't be long, and you'll be going too, " Harry told her.

昨天热,我要不了保暖的衣我不需要穿保暖衣。Yesterday was warm, the people didn't need put on warm clothes.

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要不了多久,他们又将回到没有医疗护理的悲惨生活中。Soon they would go back to their painful existences without proper medical attention.

要不了几秒钟它死气沉沉的躯体就沉入了水底,我就再也没看到它。I few seconds later his lifeless body slipped below the water and I didn't see him again.

要不了多久,只要将到指定的日子,他便真真觉得灾难临了头。Quite soon he grew to have a feeling of positive dread when the appointed day came round.

我可要不了,工厂工人们互相窃窃私语,他们觉得声音太低了,我听不到。More than enough for me, the factory men whispered to each other, too low, they thought, for me to hear.

要不了几天,他的体态就恢复到正常的尺寸了,这时他开始表现出强烈的情欲。Presently he has swollen to his normal size again, and then he hoes through a phase of intense sexiness.

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要不了多久,大家就等着我饱肚诗书后也来写点精彩书评吧!Before long, everyone waiting for me full stomach to write poetry and literature point after great book review it!

要不了多久,等到我的荷包一空,那就更糟了。尤其倒霉的是失业补助金又没咱的份。When my pouch is empty and that's not far away, it'll be even worse for me. No dole for this child, unfortunately.

要不了几趟,衣服裤子全部开花,一个个象要饭花子一般,没几个月下来,各个衣裳褴褛。Our clothes and pants became torn into pieces after only a few times of climbing. Within few months everyone looked like beggars in rags.