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将单眼巨人移出游戏。Remove Cyclopean Giant from the game.

该场可以是单眼的或双眼的。The yield may be monocular or binocular.

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单眼弱视的最终结果是什么?What is the final result of monocular amblyopia?

是的。是单眼的8厘米摄影机。它是目前最畅销的货品。Yes, 8 centimetre single-lens. It's the best seller at present.

均未出现单眼复视及其它严重并发症。Monocular diplopia and other severe complications were not found.

单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。Monocular diplopia is mostly resulted from operative complication.

单眼复视多为手术并发症所致。Monocular diplopia is partly resulted from operative complication.

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SPOTTR也可用作具有夜视能力的12倍单眼望远镜。SPOTTR also serves as a 12x monocular with night vision capability.

目的探讨单眼弱视的临床特点。Objective To discuss the clinical characteristic of one-eye amblyopia.

如果患儿只有单眼白内障,说不定您还发现不了。If a child has a cataract in only one eye, you may not be able to tell.

对单眼立体视觉的双焦成像算法进行了分析。This paper analyzes the monocular stereo vision algorithm based on bifocal imaging.

当单眼巨人从场上置入坟墓场时,目标地成为沼泽。When Cyclopean Giant is put into a graveyard from play, target land becomes a Swamp.

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“单眼球”玻璃纤维,LCD萤幕,针孔摄影机,电池1999可变尺寸。One -Eye-Ball, 1999, surveillance camera, LCD monitor, fiber glass, various dimension.

一直以来,大家都相信巨型和单眼的古罗是巨魔们的古老祖先。It is believed that the massive, cyclopean gronn are the ancient ancestors of the ogres.

他亲吻破碎的单眼镜片,彷佛那人眼睑的温度仍残留于其上。He kissed the cracked single glass, as if the temperature of The Man's lid still remained.

能让建筑,逃生路线和敌人在每个士兵的单眼屏幕上用绿色标注出来。They let buildings, escape routes, and enemies be marked in green on every soldier’s monocle.

目的评价单眼视概念在老年人白内障手术中应用的可行性。Objective To evaluate the feasibility of monovision concept in cataract surgery for elder people.

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能以相机及单眼电脑视觉技术获取环境的立体资讯。Utilizing cameras and monocular computer vision technique to capture 3D environmental information.

此摄像机在选择区或是自动聚焦的单眼和双眼配置下都可使用。Cameras are available in single-eye and dual-eye configurations with a choice of fixed or automatic focus.

持著手控单眼相机,他想要凝固一瞬间的动作,以拍出更多好照片。With the camera on manual, I wanted to freeze the action while offering as much depth-of-field as possible.