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星光下结旆。Star knot under the pennant.

还有哪座城市星光更加璀璨What city is more glamorous?

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像银河中闪烁的星光点点。And twinkle on the milky way.

上帝保佑一切,从星光马卡。God bless all, from Star Makar.

来与我一起漫步在星光下。Come and step through the stars.

昨天晚上星光灿烂。The star shone bright last night.

进入星光的夜晚,我必须去。Into the starless night, I must go.

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摩羯座的星光是比较微弱暗淡的。The stars of Capricornus are faint.

星光幽黯蔓延,混乱惊心。On the dim starlight then is spread.

这是灯蛾对星光的向往。The desire of the moth for the star.

看那微弱的星光与燃尽的太阳。See the wretched stars , burnt-out sun.

却时常带给人星光般的开始。Achieve at times a very star-like start.

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星光灿烂的比赛马上就要开始了。The Tourney of Talent is about to begin.

我害怕黑暗,直到我发现星光的美丽。Until I saw the beauty of the starlight.

走入星光灿烂的未来!Dreams can lead you into a starry future!

这朵花是由锡制成的,如星光一样闪亮。It was made of tin and shone like a star.

仍伴随着点点星光的天空即将迎来黎明。Naught soon of night but stars remaining.

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借着点点星光,他被自己所见的一幕惊呆了。What he saw in the starlight shocked him.

我看见了高空星光点缀的天幕。And in the sky above, her starry backdrop.

可是在一个星光灿烂的夜晚,老骆驼死了。But one starry evening, the old camel died.