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驰骋在兰阳平原上。Riding on the Lanyang plain.

你宁愿偏安一隅,而不愿在战火中驰骋吗?And did you exchange a walk on part in the war

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我是名足球运动员,我不会刻意去寻找加入一支球队,最美好的时光无疑就是在球场上驰骋奔跑。The greatest time you can have is on the pitch.

除此之外,他的想像力就无从驰骋了。But beyond that his imagination could not travel.

我会步行,小跑,慢跑或驰骋在靠近你。I'll walk, trot , canter or gallop to be near you.

情绪高涨,女人伉奋,灵魂驰骋。Spirits soared women swooned and gods were created.

在雄关旁,我们的铁骑在秋风中驰骋。Our steeds galloped at the Great Pass as autumn winds blow.

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游客们应抽点时间沿着无花果树大道开车驰骋。Visitors should take time out to spin along Fig Tree Drive.

王治郅显示出非凡的灵活性和驰骋球场的能力。Wang showed excellent agility and the ability to run the court.

我匍匐在冰雪中聆听你驰骋的马蹄声渐近…I hear you crawl in the snow and ice galloping hoofs asymptotic.

取而代之的是无限多任务的平台任君驰骋。Unlimited multi-tasking without nasty looks from the instructor.

让我变成美丽的骏马,和你驰骋在天涯。Let me turn the beautiful steed, gallops with you in the horizon.

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驰骋吧,牛仔们!牛仔竞技表演发扬西部精神。Ride'em, Cowboys and Cowgirls! Rodeos Keep Old West Spirit Alive.

一种新的汽车可以让你用1加仑天然气驰骋3,145英里。A new kind of car traveled 3, 145 miles on a single gallon of gas.

在这个世界里,作者任凭想象驰骋飞腾。In this world, they are allowed to imagine the author Feiteng gallop.

总统提出,到2015年,要让一百万电力车驰骋在美国的各条公路。He has called for putting 1 million of the vehicles on the road by 2015.

这只孤舟,是要到海上遨游还是到天空驰骋?Is this lonely boat going to travel into the sea or to fly onto the sky?

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驰骋千里的好马,一次进食或尽量进食,可达一石。Sail thousands of miles of a good horse, or to an eating eat up a stone.

谭嗣同喜“为驰骋不羁之文,讲霸王经世之略”。Tan Hi "to ride the unruly text, speaking slightly Overlord statecraft."

近卫重骑兵一面驰骋,一面微微地勒住战马。The cavalry guards were galloping , though still holding in their horses.