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是非常实用的服务。It's very useful servise.

这有点傻,不过很实用。This is dorky, but practical.

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词表文件实用程序?。VFU? Vocabulary File Utility?

我想这可能不太实用吧?I guess this is not practical.

这是一种实用的理想节能启动装置。It is a useful start equipment.

一款实用多功能的象棋软件!A Multi-purpose utility software!

他在学习实用英语。He is studying practical English.

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这本手册里有很多实用的小建议。This manual is full of useful tips.

实用程序喜欢生活在管道中。Utilities like to live in pipelines.

不管怎样,他喜欢实用的东西But anyway, he loved practical things.

不需要其他的实用工具类。No other utility classes are required.

本实用新型涉及扫地车。The utility model relates to a sweeper.

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网页版客户端,操作方便,实用。Web Edition Client, easy and practical.

我真心希望您能够感受到新版式的实用。I hope you all find the new look useful.

首先是对实用功能的轻视。Firstly, it contempts practical function.

让您的实用程序仅做它应该做的事情。Make your utility stick to doing its job.

这些技巧很多,而且很实用。These techniques are numerous and proven.

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故认为是一制备简便、实用的利胆药物新剂型。It is a new drug form of choleretic drugs.

欧迈企业的产品精良,实用。Oumai enterprise products well, practical.

这是一门很实用的全英文课程。This is a useful course taught in English.