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他猛然将门打开。Yanked the door open.

他从沙发上猛然跳了起来。He sprang up from the sofa.

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他猛然放下包裹。He planked down the package.

我感觉到钓线猛然一动。I felt the fishing line jerk.

猫会猛然向那只老鼠扑过去。The cat pounced on the mouse.

那只狗猛然咬住了我的裤子。The dog snapped at my trousers.

他从她手中猛然拉走了提包。He wrenched the bag from her hand.

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他从一匹猛然弓背跃起的马上后空翻落下。He backflipped off a bucking horse.

露西从噩梦中猛然惊醒。Lucy jerked awake from a nightmare.

她把平锅里的鸡蛋猛然翻过来。She flipped an egg over in the pan.

河水在这里猛然直冲到山下Water surges here down to the hill.

一个六足的黑色恶魔将他猛然按倒。A six-legged black demon tackles him.

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猛然的阳光使她目眩。She was dazzled by the sudden sunlight.

毛驴看见蛇时,猛然弓背跃起。The donkey bucked when it saw the snake.

金雀花丛把她的马惊得猛然后退。Her horse shied violently at a gorse bush.

野马猛然弓背跃起,把第二个骑手摔下了。The wild horse bucked its second rider off.

那女人猛然地披上披巾在肩膀上。The woman threw a shawl over her shoulders.

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“那真是个慈善家,”艾伦猛然说道。"That's really humanitarian, " snaps Ellett.

他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房门。He flew out of the room like a man possessed.

我猛然意识到她是一个盲女。I suddenly realized that she was a Blind Girl.