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高格的卫兵有枪。guards have guns.

卫兵们朝扎达克开了枪。The guards shot Zadak.

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卫兵什么也没说。The guard said nothing.

一个卫兵打开房门。A guard opened the door.

所有的卫兵都带着枪。All the guards carried guns.

安塔芮丝人卫兵向他鞠躬行礼。The Antarian guard bowed low.

那卫兵招手让我们往前走。The guard beckoned us forward.

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校门口站着一个卫兵。At the school gate stood a guard.

卫兵正在吹哨子。The guard is blowing his whistle.

厂门口站着一个卫兵。At the factory gate stood a guard.

卫兵!卫兵!特里·普拉切特。Guards! Guards! , Terry Pratchett.

他杀逝世了卫兵后匆仓促逃走了。He killed the guard and made away.

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他们向大门口的卫兵猛冲过去。They rushed the guard at the gate.

凯和瑞拉跟在卫兵后面。Kiah and Rilla went with the guard.

卫兵厌恶的撅了撅嘴。The guard’s lip curled with disgust.

两个卫兵对凯一阵拳打脚踢。Two of the guards began to hit Kiah.

卫兵们押着囚犯离开了。The guards marched the prisoner away.

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卫兵非常精神地向将军行礼。The guard saluted the general smartly.

卫兵们把瑞拉带了出去。The guards came in and took Rilla out.

卫兵派驻在监狱四周。Guards were stationed around the prison.