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在那里被巴格达哈里发雇为雇佣军。as mercenaries by the Baghdad caliphs.

这些可能是新教雇佣军So, maybe these are Protestant mercenaries.

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他同时还引入了外国武装力量--非洲雇佣军。He also brought in foreign forces -- African mercenaries.

瑞士雇佣军人在这些军队中声名显赫Swiss were great, famous mercenaries fighting in these armies.

国王的财富不足以,招募雇佣军There were no kings with the wealth to hire mercenary soldiers.

一群纯血统的蛇人假扮人类雇佣军进入一个区域。A troop of yuan-ti purebloods posing a human mercenaries move into an area.

面对一群莎雯的雇佣军,古丽可以成功地阻止他们。When confronted by a team of Savan's mercs, Guri was able to hold them off.

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列弗还没经历过这么多的战斗,他们没机会对抗雇佣军。Lev had not seen much of the fight, they'd had no chance against mercenaries.

诺曼征服时期,他们以雇佣军的身份追随征服者来到英国。And at that time, many Flemings joined in the conqueror's army as mercenaries.

很多人都说当局已经开始运用坦克,军用飞机和雇佣军来镇压革命。Many said the Libyan authorities had been using tanks, warplanes and mercenaries.

不,我正在尽情地享受狂欢呢,为雇佣军和所有其它人准备的免费酒水,你知道有多好。Nah, I am just enjoying carouse. Free drinks forthemercs, and all. You know how itis.

玩家还可以用钱来升级、雇用雇佣军、进行科技研究。Players will be able to buy upgrades, hire mercenaries and conduct laboratory research.

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他们坚信现在唯一支持卡扎菲的人是这个国家的国外雇佣军。They believe the only people now supporting Col Gaddafi are foreign fighters in the country.

安德烈.德拉赞的雇佣军进入了拘留所的通道,杰克把枪对准了维克多。Andre Drazen’s team enters the detention hallway to find Jack with his gun trained on Victor.

但他们几乎立即被由利比亚人和玩过雇佣军混编的民兵队射击。But they were hit almost immediately by militiamen, a mix of Libyans and foreign mercenaries.

安德烈.德拉赞的雇佣军注视着武装的警卫们,等待着电力被切断,准备伏击。Andre Drazen’s men see the armed security and wait for the power to be cut off for their ambush.

而第二个是雇佣军,一个为钱杀自己同胞的利比亚人。The second one, however, was a mercenary, a Libyan who had taken money to kill his fellow-citizens.

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与此同时,远离于拘留所,德拉赞的雇佣军带着杰克,从地下冒了出来。Meanwhile, far from the detention facility, Drazen’s troops emerge from underground with Jack in tow.

这张图上,被怀疑为雇佣军的人被扣在班加西至图卜鲁格公路的一个反对派检查站。Here, suspected mercenaries are detained at a rebel checkpoint on the road between Benghazi and Tobruk.

作为报复,汉人征集了一些蒙古雇佣军企图重占哈密,却无功而返。The Chinese retaliated by hiring several armies of Mongol mercenaries to recapture Hami, but without success.