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他最初是一个唯美主义者。He begins as an aesthete.

最初6毫克,每日一次。Initially 6mg once daily.

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我最初是作佣人的。First I worked as a servant.

这样我们就有了最初的董事会。So that was the initial board.

那最初的想法也是一团糟啊。That first idea was a mess too.

或者它们只是影响最初的相互吸引?or just the initial attraction?

最初利伦嘟并不喜欢我。At first Lilundu didn't like me.

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它最初是用来记录时间。It was first used to count time.

哦,我最初从迈阿密来。Well, I’m from Miami originally.

您对我最初的印象是什么?What is your first memory of me?

最初,我并没想到过我会这样做。At first, I didn’t think I would.

以下是一些最初的反应。Here are a few initial reactions.

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最初是佐藤提到的。It was first mentioned by Zordon.

等候,是终生最初的苍老。Wait, is the original hoary life.

在最初的几个小时里,我的确是这样。And for my first few hours, I did.

最初落下来的是大颗大颗的水珠,扑扑地打在尘土里。Thee first drops of rain are huge.

他们最初不高兴地看着我。They looked at me sourly at first.

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在最初的成本估算时将它算在内了吗?Is it covered in the cost estimate?

最初的效果是眼花缭乱。The first effect was to dazzle him.

它们最初于一九二○年代开始流通。They originally started in the 1920s.