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从不敷衍?And will not palter?

不要敷衍我!Don't palter with me!

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“对不起,”她敷衍地说。"I'm sorry, " she replied insincerely.

给我的一切,你不过是在敷衍。For mine all, you are being perfunctory.

我对他敷衍地一笑,走了进去。I smiled at him vaguely and went inside.

先生!我这样是敷衍不下去的。Mister, i cannot palter with this any more.

我没有概念,-你怎么能这么敷衍我呢?I have no idea. -How can you say such a thing?

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一个好的雕刻者不应敷衍他的印章。Does a good carver temporize to carve his seal?

对于我要求你做的事,别只是口头敷衍。Don't just pay lip-service to what I ask of you.

史蒂芬把他敷衍了一番,往后推托了一个星期。Stephen sweetened him up and put him off a week.

他敷衍了我几句就把我打发走了。He hoked me with a few words, then let me go away.

他擦身而过,朝人群敷衍地挥了挥手。He brushed by with a perfunctory wave to the crowd.

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“我真的觉得他是在敷衍我,”斯利瓦斯塔瓦说。“I really got the feeling that he was brushing me off,” Srivastava says.

电话那头的他从睡梦中醒来,不耐烦的敷衍她。He was waken on the other side of the phone. He was annoyed and rejected her.

几年前的丑闻就如此草率的被敷衍过去,让人难以理解。It is puzzling too that some scandals of past years are treated so sketchily.

孩子们没有草割好,只是随便敷衍了一下。The children didn't cut the grass properly. All it got was a lick and a promise.

我忙敷衍说自己失眠,过段时间就好了。I am busy say him insomnia perfunctorily , it is good to spend paragraph of time.

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如果你只是敷衍的随便说句,很多朋友会不愿意向你寻求帮助。Many friends are reluctant to call if they have only a vague invitation to do so.

总而言之,在当前时刻,我们不能退缩,不能折衷,不能敷衍。To conclude—this is no time for retreat, for half-measures, or for muddling through.

仁惠想崔国焕讯问机密资金的下落,被崔国焕敷衍了过去。RenHui CuiGuoHuan interrogation secrets to the whereabouts of CuiGuoHuan funds by past.