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多回路测试功能。Multi-loop test facility.

凯恩说道,“4个液压回路的温度?”Cain said, "Four hyd return temps?"

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衡量存在24V的回路电源。Measure presence of 24V loop power.

金属扣单回路门将。Metal buckle with a single loop keeper.

若没有运水回路,斜顶为铍铜。BeCu for lifters if without water circuits.

层次之间的关系是无回路的。The relationship among the layers is acyclic.

你检查过励磁回路的接地吗?。Have you checked the excitation circuit grounding?

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回热器是回路中的关键部件。Recuperator is an important component in the loop.

双回路供电,配置后备发电机组。Dual Feed Electricity Supply – Backup Generator Set.

诊断问题,HSSI进攻四回路测试。For diagnosing problems, HSSI offe four loopback tests.

原理控制回路也应显示在PFD。Principle Control Loops shall also be shown in the PFD.

本文介绍一种多回路串级控制方法。This paper presents a multi-loop cascade control method.

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替代测试安装24V的回路供电。Substitute testing of the installed 24V loop power supply.

镜子是一个有关信息回路的妙喻。The mirror is a clever metaphor for informational circuits.

确保运放的反馈回路离运放本身越近越好。Keep opamp feedback paths as close as possible to the opamp.

大脑深处的这个回路大部分是依靠荷尔蒙多巴胺的。Much of this deep brain circuit runs on the hormone dopamine.

接下来,给伴热回路送电,记录电流值。Then, connect heating loop to power and record current value.

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彼利的新神经回路大约每天生长一毫米。Billy's newly re-wired nerve grows about one millimeter a day.

最终实现了人在回路中的远程控制机器人系统。Finally, the telerobot system with man-in-loop is implemented.

外回路采用神经网络内模控制。The outer loop uses neural network and internal model control.