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当你发烧时,最好就是卧床休息。When you have a fever, in bed.

服用这药并卧床休息。Take this medicine and stay in bed.

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医生叮嘱你要卧床休息。The doctor ordered you to stay in bed.

他因痛风病已卧床两个月了。He has been confined two months by gout.

你看了医生,医生认为你病的不轻。他说,恐怕得卧床一周I'm afraid you have to stay in bed for a week.

他太过分劳累以至生病而卧床。He overworked too much that he fell ill in bed.

佣工是否需要有照顾卧床病患者经验?。Helper needs to have experience in bed-ridden care?

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因为腮腺炎她接连卧床好几星期。She was bed-ridden with the mumps for weeks on end.

他因一种说不清、道不明的怪病卧床好几个月。A mysterious illness confined him to bed for months.

分娩前她卧床待产三个小时。She lay in about 3 hours before the birth of the baby.

当时正在家喂卧床的叔叔吃饭。A chiropodist was feeding her bed-ridden uncle at her home.

大夫叫他卧床一两天。The doctor ordered him to stay in bed for a couple of days.

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稳定性腰椎骨折宜采用卧床休息、腰部垫枕等治疗。The stable fracture shall rest in bed with cushion under back.

心肌炎应绝对卧床休息6周以上。The I. myocarditis should have bedrest absolutely above for 6 weeks.

毕竟,没人想在春节期间因伤病而卧床修养。After all, no one wants to be nursing an injury during Spring Festival.

虽然大部分时间我都是卧床修养,但仍感觉时光如梭。How the days have flown, even though I've been in bed most of the time.

在一般情况下,孕妇在分娩前几个小时要卧床待产。Normally, a woman will lie in a few hours before the birth of her child.

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卧床最好不要超过一到两天,医嘱除外。Don't stay in bed longer than a day or two unless your docter advises it.

好啦,你要听大夫的话,卧床休息,直到病情好转。Now you must obey the doctor's enjoining. Stay in bed until you get well.

我仍然记得那令我卧床数月的热病。I remembered the nervous fever that had kept me in bed for several months.