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这种金属易于压制。This metal extrudes easily.

你没有压制多少。You aren't repressing much.

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你不能压制要求。You cannot squelch wanting.

他强压制住不满。Discontent smouldered in him.

白先生不压制积极性。Mr Bai does not curb initiative.

艇长曾很厉害地压制他。The captain had ridden him hard.

压制或堵塞的东西。Something that constricts or chokes.

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我们都被敌人的火力压制住了。We were all pinned down by enemy fire.

教会压制伽俐略是错误的。The church was wrong in silencing galileo.

现在,中国希望压制民族主义。Now, China wants to tamp such nationalism down.

我们将担任领导角色,这样的要求现在被压制着。We will lead. There is a pent up need for this.

刺穿现在影响压制而非斩杀。Impale now affects Overpower instead of Execute.

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痛苦压制的冷却时间增加为3分钟。Pain Suppresion cooldown increased to 3 minutes.

选择所需压制机的类型。Choose the type of briquet ting machine required.

那是指什么搅乱压制了主要人物的生活。What is it that upsets the main character's life?

企图压制它们时,它们会加强。And when we try to suppress them, they strengthen.

碳纤维底盘,压制成型的铝质后摇臂。Carbon fibre chassis, pressed aluminium swing-arm.

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权威的压制削弱了理解。The oppression of authority cripples understanding.

入侵者设法压制当地人民。The invaders managed to keep the local people under.

实际上,产生这种蛋白质的基因被压制了。In effect, the gene for that protein had been silenced.