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造物大与小。All creatures great and small.

真正律法,就是业力或者造物律法。True law is karmic or creational law.

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偌大的泥盘实为自然造物。Such large mud pancakes are created by nature.

但作为被造物,我们永远成不了创造主。But as creatures, we will never be the Creator.

造物律法,建立在因果之上。Creational law is founded upon cause and effect.

我是个尘世间载歌载舞的废物,我是上帝造物的有毒副产品。I am the toxic waste byproduct of God's creation.

你看到的所有景象都是由人造物制作的。All of sights of you see are made by artificiality.

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一个对51免疫的新的造物又演化出来,如此等等。A new creature evolved that was immune to 51s, and so on.

很长一段时间,在你们的造物里有着一个混乱。For a long time, there was a mix-up in roles in your creation.

在所有受造物中,唯独人是按着神的形象被造的。In all of creation, only human beings are made “in God's image.

在所有的被造物中,只有人类是“照着神的形象”造的。In all of creation, only human beings, are made "in God's image.

人们通过显扬他的造物、肯定他们的完美来赞颂上帝。They praise God by honoring His Creations, affirming their perfection.

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是将会让你为掳掠巴瑞尔造物的洞穴而付出代价的人!The one who will make you pay for looting the dens of Brell's creations!

虚假道粉碎造物,因为它自己是一个粉碎的产品。The false tao shatters creations as it is a product of shattering itself.

因此昂宿星和猎户座的造物音调对地球是有毒的。Therefore Pleiadian and Orion tones of creation are poisonous unto earth.

不过,最为荒谬的角色还没有登场,它就是这造物之人。And I have not yet spoken of the most absurd character, who is the creator.

在她看来,沙与草这两个造物就像两位可亲的神祗。These two creatures, sand and short grass, seem to her like two sweet gods.

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最贴近这些造物的实物是能做一点微不足道的自复制的核糖核酸。The closest real things to these creatures were bits of self-replicating RNA.

用户体验是任何存在交互的产品,任何人造物,任何系统。User experience is any interaction with any product, any artifact, any system.

朱庇特唯恐她再追问下去就答说这是大地的新造物。Jupiter, to stop questions, replied that it was a fresh creation from the earth.