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乙部及丙部二者皆不合格的数字。Figure showing both Part B and Part C failed.

申请人必须填写本表格的甲及乙部。Applicant should complete Sections A and B of this form.

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请阁下将表格交回雇主填写本表乙部。Please return the Form to your employer to complete Section B.

本人证实上述甲部及乙部所提供的资料正确无误。I certify that the information provided in part A and B is correct.

在本要求表格的甲部及乙部只可各自选择一项。Please tick only one box under each of Part A and Part B on this form.

本人承诺遵守上文乙部载列的发出条件。I undertake to abide by the conditions of issue set out in Part B above.

乙部是我国古代专门记载历史的部门。The history department specialized in recording history in ancient China.

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以下是填写乙部及丙部的范例,以供各会员参考。The followings are examples of filling Sections B and C for members' reference.

电单車乙部驾驶考试只在政府指定驾驶学院举行。Motor Cycle Part B driving tests are conducted in Government designated driving schools only.

同时亦议决对乙部资料如所列示予以加入、更改或删除。It was further resolved that details of the information in Part B be added, changed or deleted as set out therein.

本人证实上述甲部及乙部所提供的资料正确无误并已经阅读及明白下方注意事项。I certify that the information provided in part A and B is correct, and I have read and understand the Notes Below.

此申请表乙部份之中、英文本如有任何歧异之处,皆以中文本为准。In the event of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of Part B of this Form, the Chinese language shall prevail.

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受聘执教于上海图画美术院,后兼任函授乙部主任。He was employed to teach in Shanghai Fine Arts School, and later worked concurrently as director of the second Correspondence department.

如在本表格甲部或乙部作出超过一项选择、或未有作出选择、或未有签署、或在其他方面填写不正确,则本表格将会作废。Any form with more than one box marked X in Part A or Part B, with no box marked X, with no signature or otherwise incorrectly completed will be void.