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但我非常支持像谢里夫派这样的其它党派。I do want someone else like PML-N.

他们参加了其他的党派。They flopped over to the other party.

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党派之间动嘴皮子的时间已经过去了。The time for partisan bickering is over.

马利基一直在争取小型什叶党派的支持。Mr Maliki is wooing smaller Shia parties.

党派利益至上的时候已经过去了。The time for putting party first is over.

这个党派的领袖未遇反对,再次当选。The party leader was re-elected unopposed.

过去,美国老大党曾是一个支持商业发展的党派。The G.O.P. used to be the party of business.

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这第二种担忧则与党派偏见有关。The second concern has to do with partisanship.

还有一些人则墨守旧党派的传统。And others simply clung to old party traditions.

穆沙拉夫的党派名列第三,获得38个议席。Mr. Musharraf's party is in third with 38 seats.

席尔瓦是葡萄牙右翼党派民众党成员。Silva is a member of the rightist People's Party.

每个党派都坚持认为各自的杠杆最有效。Each party insists that its levers will work best.

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布兰奇弗劳尔表示自己没有党派关联。Blanchflower, who says he has no party affiliation.

同样显然的是,布莱尔不反对党派政治。Also obviously, Blair does not reject party politics.

这个问题只能通过跨党派的处理来给予回应。This can only be answered through a cross-party deal.

我们正处在有党派偏见的参院调查的前夕。We were on the ever of a partisan Senate inquisition.

他承诺要超越这些党派纷争。And he promised to transcend those partisan divisions.

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如我所说我从不认为我们有一个积极进取的党派。I don't, as I said, think we have a progressive party.

爱尔兰的第四主党派是左边绿色运动。Iceland’s fourth major party is the Left-Green Movement.

两个党派被共同的利益联系在一起。The two parties were linked together by common interest.