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这是交际的禅宗。It's social Zen.

蒲团,俳句,禅宗是日语。Futon, haiku , Zen, they're Japanese.

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还有什么比一点安静更禅宗了呢?What can be more Zen than a bit of silence?

传统的禅宗静修就是在安静中进行的。Traditional Zen retreats are held in silence.

有些年轻人研究禅宗佛教或伊斯兰巴哈教派的教义。Some young people study Zen Buddhism or Bahai.

这里的和尚修炼的是禅宗佛教。The monks here practise Seon, or Zen Buddhism.

中经慧可、弘忍等人的不断改造,禅宗于慧能时正式形成。In the end, Zen came into being in Huineng stime.

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这就像禅宗和密宗里所讲的“水中月”。It's like Zen and Tantric says "Moon in the water".

禅宗修道士会走这么远来用棍子打你。Zen monks will go so far as to hit you with a stick.

禅宗的最高范畴是“真如”、“空”。The supreme category of the Chan is"Asness", "Empty".

关于中国禅宗,现在著名的大师是南怀瑾。Zen on China, is now well-known Master Nan Huai-chin.

我喜欢在大阪的寺庙花园散步,我爱禅宗哲学。I love walking through the temples and gardens in Kyoto.

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自古到今,禅宗对中国的影响是巨大的。The zen influences more tremendous to China from of old.

“我们使越来越多的人开始了解禅宗佛法,”他说。"We make more people know about Zen Buddhism, " he says.

但文人画受禅宗的影响极大。But scholars drew and was affected by Zen Buddhism greatly.

这是'禅宗和极简主义艺术'两部曲的第一部。This is part one of two of ‘Zen and the Art of Minimalism’.

数息法,乃禅宗入门之途。Several rate method, but the road of zen Buddhism introduction.

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杜尚的行动颇似禅宗的棒喝。Marcel Duchamp's doings are very similar to Koan of Zend Buddhism.

我们正在寻找一个有才华的人来帮助我们与我们的禅宗车。We are looking for a talented person to help us with our zen cart.

禅宗解脱的实质是生命的自由。The essence of the extrication of Chan sect is the freedom of life.