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毫不逊色,一点也不差。Not a halfpenny the worse.

番石榴是一种热带水果,营养异常丰富,和任何其他健康果蔬相比都毫不逊色。Guava is a tropical super fruit.

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有时,备选方案也毫不逊色。Sometimes, plan B is pretty good.

其他玉雕跟这件相比大为逊色。Other jade carvings pale beside this.

东南和西部地区进步要逊色一些。The Southeast and the West fared worse.

牵牛星与织女和天津四相比,光亮度还是略为逊色。Altair is not as bright as Vega and Deneb.

牡丹使其他的花逊色。Peony casts the other flowers into the shade.

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语言这个对象在具体性上比之言语毫无逊色。Language is concrete, no less so than speaking.

每每憧憬对你的梦想,我的爱毫无逊色。Often looking forward to your dream, I love no less.

当然了,这蓬莱阁也毫不逊色。Penglai Pavilion should be, of course, no exception.

周围的女人们穿着上的裸露相比男人毫不逊色。the women no less than the men crowd round nudities.

即使是在包含大量信息的站点上,纯粹的文本也略为逊色。Pure text won't cut it, even on the most information-driven sites.

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在服务及活动的多样性方面,其他景点要比芭堤雅逊色得多。It is unsurpassed in the variety of services and activities available.

与私人楼宇比较,计划所兴建的楼宇单位在质素上毫不逊色。The quality of the flats is comparable to that of private developments.

托尼与之相比逊色多了,但迫不及待地要跟我结婚。Tony, compared with the first, is outshone but he is eager to marry me.

待到240z系列横空出世,它的表现与保时捷911T相比都毫不逊色,价格却只有它的一半。The debut 240z performed as well as Porsche's popular 911T—at half the price.

庞哥的另一面,却相当低调,魔术性却毫不逊色,又更富有他的个人本色。His other side was rather quiet. But it was no less magical, and more himself.

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他以往卷入的那件丑闻已使他的光辉业绩大为逊色。That scandal he was involved in before detracts from his glorious achievement.

道琼斯指数以3039.36收盘,与周五最高纪录相比,略为逊色,下降0.89点。The Dow finished just shy of Friday's record high, dropping 0.89, to 3,039.36.

西方出版商对中国快速经济增长的着迷毫不逊色。Western publishers have been no less enthused by China's continued rapid growth.