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一切准备好了,出发。All set to go.

从这里出发,看世界。The eye on earth.

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去尼姑庵,出发!To a nunnery, go!

然后他们出发。Then they set out.

好了,现在你们可以出发了。Now you can be off.

她天一亮就出发了。She set out at dawn.

他出发到土伦去。He set out for Toulon.

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我们必须马上出发。We must start at once.

带着崭新的心情出发喽!We start with new mood!

他们快要出发了。They are about to start.

他出发旅行。He departed on a journey.

飞虎队出发了。The Flying Tiger set out.

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我们在黎明时出发了。We sallied forth at dawn.

卡纳克小跑着出发了。Carnac set off at a canter.

最后一班车几点出发?。When the last buse set out?

我们先吃饱饭再出发吧。Lets chow down before we go.

这些人排成一列排队一声不吭地出发了。The men filed away silently.

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他们迫不及待地要马上出发。They were champing to start.

我们是从温哥华出发的。We started out in Vancouver.

比如在出发的时候,是否够快?Were you quick at the start?