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她给了摸棱两可的回答。She gave an evasive answer.

回复的摸棱两可,再说一遍!Reply harizonay. Try once again!

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邓析的“两可说”历来被视为是诡辩。Liang Ke Shuo" of Dengxi used to be regarded as a sophism."

我完全被他摸棱两可,含混不清的话搞糊涂了。I was totally mixed up by his elusive and ambiguous remarks.

这种优势,可让他们轻易接受自然界的模?两可及相互对抗的力量。This vantage readily accepts ambiguities and the counteracting forces in nature.

她给他的复信写的多少似乎带有摸棱两可的笔调。She answered his letter in such wise that she seemed more of less betwixt and between.

当一个假说是模稜两可,像是EMH,那麽它就应该被澄清。When a hypothesis is ambiguous, as in the case of the EMH, then it should be clarified.

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同时,她却与许多北方人一样,对非裔美国人的表现出一种模凌两可的态度。She displays the ambiguities towards African-Americans felt by many Northerners at the time.

无论如何,「快乐原则」这个术语老早以前,大家不就已经明显觉得是模稜两可?In any case, did not the ambiguity of the term Lustprinzip become obvious to everyone long ago ?

就连一向以心直口快闻名的前财政部长拉里•萨默斯在这个问题上也表示出了模楞两可的态度。Even Larry Summers, the usually blunt former U.S. Treasury Secretary, is equivocal on the matter.

通常,在将时脉设定为从日光节约时间回到标准时间时,会产生模稜两可的时间。Typically, ambiguous times result when the clock is set to return to standard time from daylight saving time.

与此同时,美国就如何采取具体行动上一直发出摸棱两可的信号。Meanwhile, the U. S. has been sending mixed signals in terms of the specific action it would want to see taken.

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对部分世俗主义评论家而言,艾尔段的外交政策在模拟两可和不稳定当中摆荡。For some of his secularist Turkish critics, Erdogan's foreign policy is a shambles of ambiguity and instability.

对这类事情我有种模凌两可的感觉,就如我不太喜欢随便什么小错就发红牌。I have a very ambivalent attitude to those type of things, as I'm not a great lover of red cards for petty offences.

因为SNS网站使用了“朋友”这个模凌两可的术语,这一标签含有想当然的成分,可能会漏掉一些用户。Because the equivocal term “friend” is used on SNSs, there are assumptions carried with the label, which may escape some users.

一个程式必须不从资料空间之外存取资料。如果一个程式使用名称空间或是程式码空间的位置,模稜两可的情况将会存在。A program shall not fetch from or store into locations outside data space. An ambiguous condition exists if a program addresses name space or code space.

德州在面对海湾独立企图时那模胧两可的中立状态使贫民窟在湾角建立起来。Texas owed the shantytowns that steamed in the warm Gulf rains to the uneasy neutrality she had maintaned in the face of the Coast's attempted secession.

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帕尔帕汀以一个工作勤勉的政客形象出场——而当你说“政客”这个词时,你马上会想到摸棱两可的话,这就是这个工作的本质。Palpatine appears to be a hard-working politician--and when you say the word politician immediately you think about equivocation which is the nature of the job.

在问到中国最近成功摧毁其在太空的自制废弃卫星而进行导弹发射问题时,对此回答摸棱两可。Asked to explain China's recent firing of an anti-satellite missile that successfully destroyed one of China's own defunct satellites in space, Wen answered obliquely.

无疑的,对于这个可能性,狄特罗建构一个永久的模稜两可,具有形上学的意涵,但是这个模稜两可使他的文章更加生动,也更加具有侵蚀的功用。No doubt, on this possibility, Diderot constructs a permanent equivocation with metaphysical implications, but this ambiguity animates his text and gives it its mordant character.