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不知法不能作为免罪的口实。I-of the law excuses no man.

不知法不能作为免罪的口实。I-of the law excuses no one.

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对法律不知不能免罪。Ignorance of the law excuses no man.

西奥多想他帮忙得到免罪。T-Bag wants exoneration for his help.

没有修正案和特别免罪条款。There are no amendments or special exemptions.

丹尼斯被控杀人,但是被免罪。Denis was tried for manslaughter but was exonerated.

但是对其他人,这是一张“免罪卡”。But for many others, it was a get-out-of-jail-free card.

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分析人士常用“免罪文化”来形容刚果。Analysts often use the phrase "culture of impunity" to describe Congo.

有一大群人现在就在死牢,你会去帮助他们让他们免罪吗?There's a bunch of people on death row. Are you going to help exonerate themselves?

如果引渡或驱逐出境都不可能实现,那么在当地接受审判就是免罪之外的唯一选择了。If extradition or deportation is not possible, trials on the spot are the only alternative to impunity.

每一个真诚悔改的基督徒,即令没有赎罪券,也同样可以被赦罪或免罪。Every truly repentant Christian has a right to full remission of penalty and guilt, even without letters of pardon.

“说真的,”露梓说,“要是把那可怜的孩子的故事如实告诉他们,一定可以使他免罪。”"Surely, " said Rose, "the poor child's story, faithfully repeated to these men, will be sufficient to exonerate him.

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若有人租用公牛,该牛却非因人为原因死亡,租借者向神灵起誓自己没有过错以后可以被免罪。If anyone hire an ox, and God strike it that it die, the man who hired it shall swear by God and be considered guiltless.

一六九一年底,威廉三世下令,参与叛乱者只要宣誓向他效忠,都可免罪。In late 1691, WilliamⅢ offered pardons to all who had taken part in the uprising if they pledged their allegiance to him.

教皇可以通过免罪罚来支取,这样灵魂在炼狱里“获救”了一段时间。This could be made available by the pope through indulgences by which the soul was "let-off" a certain period in purgatory.

铁券是中国皇权政治的产物,它是帝王赐予臣工免罪免死的一种凭证。As a outcome of the Imperial authority politics of China, Tiequan was a credence which the Emperor given to his officials in order to get the absolution.

卡恩的美国律师B周一时说,他相信一旦呈上所有的物证,他的顾客将被免罪。Strauss-Kahn's American lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, said Monday that he believes that once all of the physical evidence is in, his client will be exonerated.

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但好象他认为他的评述较其他评论更有压倒性的说服力,尤其是关于我免罪的职能方面。But there is a sense in which he believes that his criticisms are more devastating than the other critics, especially on the charge that I embrace impunity.

印度政府机关办事不力,侵犯人权的情况也并非鲜为人知,而且钱权确实可以换来免罪卡。Democracy does not necessarily result in good governance. India's institutions are weak human-rights abuses are not unknown and money and power often buy impunity.

印度政府机关不力,侵犯人权的情况也并非鲜为人知,而且钱权确实可以换来免罪卡。Democracy does not necessarily result in good governance. India's institutions are weak, human-rights abuses are not unknown, and money and power often buy impunity.