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QF3为检修电源开关。QF3 is overhaul power switch.

这台发动机需要检修。This engine needs an overhaul.

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他给我们学校当故障检修工。He troubleshoots for our school.

解体检修主机调速器。Overhaul the main engine governor.

我把汽车彻底检修了一遍。I gave the car a thorough going-over.

配置、检验和检修VTPConfigure, verify, and troubleshoot VTP

那艘船进了上海港进行检修。The boat put in at Shanghai for repairs.

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配置、检验和检修VLANsConfigure, verify, and troubleshoot VLANs

实验水池给水没有设置角阀及检修阀门。No corner and repair valve for water supply.

我们还将讨论代理的故障检修。We'll also discuss troubleshooting the agent.

修车厂对这辆汽车进行了彻底检修。The garage gave the car a thorough going-over.

我的车已行驶了5000英里,我将把它送去例行检修。I'm taking my car in for its 5000-mile service.

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我听说有个电工在高空检修电线时摔伤了。I've heard an electrician got hurt when he hiked.

配置、检验和检修RSTP功能Configure, verify, and troubleshoot RSTP operation

在它们的后面是APU检修口和APU排气口。Aft of which is the APU access door and APU exhaust.

你应该每开30,000英里给车做一次检修。You should get your car tuned-up every 30,000 miles.

每行驶6000公里,请把发动机送厂检修一次。Please send the engine in for service every 6000 kms.

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在发短信时掉进检修孔的少女The teenager girl who fell in a manhole while texting

你能检修一下我的汽车的发动机吗?Would you mind giving the engine of my car a going-over?

做好抗旱机具的保养、调试和检修工作。Maintain, adjust and repair the anti-drought equipment.5.