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所有的东西都会被记录在案。It would all be on the record.

警方将他的名字记录在案。The police kept his name on record.

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他因超速行车被警方记录在案。He was booked on a charge of speeding.

当前记录在案的最热一年是1998年。Currently 1998 is the hottest year on record.

他所说的每一句话全都被记录在案。What he said was completely spread on the record.

上面这些仅仅是记录在案的那一部分。And those are just the officially documented ones.

他把全部演说辞收录在案,但是又简化它。He has recorded whole speeches, but miniature one.

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有一些记录在案的鲨鱼长有肿瘤的例子。There are instances of tumors in sharks on record.

在同一时期,965例淋病病例记录在案。In the same period, 965 cases of gonorrhea were documented.

非接触记录在案的药条件恶化。Non-documented Medicated conditions aggravated by exposure.

763例白人男性死者中,NIOSH记录在案的自杀者有460例。NIOSH recorded 460 suicides among 18, 763 white male deaths.

申诉人变更仲裁请求,由仲裁庭记录在案。Article 52 The plaintiff may relinquish or modify his claims.

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但据传他是弃婴事件的同犯,现已将其拘留在案。Now he is under arrest for allegedly helping abandon the child.

“开膛手”杰克是记录在案的一个早期系列杀手。One of the earliest serial killers on record is Jack the Ripper.

第一头记录在案的豹狮是1910年在印度戈尔哈布尔诞生的。The first documented leopon was bred at Kolhapur, India in 1910.

“记录在案。判决彻底消灭,”德伐日回答。"To be registered, as doomed to destruction, " returned Defarge.

在美国有超过500幢稻草堆房屋记录在案,有3幢在中国。There are over 500 listed SB houses in America, there are 3 in China.

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调查得出记录在案的古树名木有517株。In this investigation, 517 ancient and famous trees on record were found.

为海难救助坚持在案首楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men on forecastle and crew-nest for salvage of sea casualty.

没在案烨哭泣的人,是不会拥有为人拭泪的温柔。One who never cries in the might won't be tender enough to comfort others.