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编辑把我的文章删改得面目全非。The editor hacked my article to bits.

拙劣的译本将原作删改得支离破碎。Bad translation mutilates the original work.

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他的谈话经过删改后才准予发表。His talk was red-penciled before it got clearance.

以下采访的内容因篇幅和清晰度有所删改。The interview has been edited for length and clarity.

她按出版商的要求对小说进行删改。She's pruning down the novel at the publisher's request.

对于这份对话,我会完整的照实记录,绝不删改你说的话,这是我的承诺。My commitment to this conversation is to produce a faithful

稿子几经删改才定下来。The draft was revised several times before it was finalized.

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你的感情太易割爱,把未来转眼就删改。Your love is too easy to sell, the next instant to deletion.

大多数孩子们读格林童话的删改本。Most children read an expurgated version of Grimms' fairy tales.

他几乎做得出出版华兹华斯作品的删改本。He was capable of bringing out an expurgated edition of Wordsworth.

在制片人挥动他那蓝色铅笔删改前,剧本有一些逃逗性。The script was a bit racy until the producer wielded his blue pencil.

△本刊对来稿除进行技术性的处理外,一般不作删改。Contributions will not be revised except for some technical treatment.

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对最初诊断进行补充或删改,提出当前的诊治意见。Added or withdrawn from their intial diagnosis to the current consultation.

如有问题,欢迎向大会查询。本会保留一切删改及仲裁权利。All right reserved, if you have any questions, please contact the organizer.

奥斯特说,“我每写完一段,然后删改、变换一些用词,努力改进它。I write the paragraph, then I'm crossing out, changing words, trying to improve it.

这个删改的小说版本比原先的949页的原稿要好读的多。The abridged version of the novel was much easier to read than the full 949 page original.

但由于它对小说的曲意附会,其评点文字并未像删改过的文本那样流播后世。But its comments don't spread so widely as the amended text because it distorts meaning of the novel.

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广告内容如本公司认为不便刊登,将有权删改或停止刊出。Our company has rights to change or cancel the contents that are not suitable to publish in our magazine.

在Facebook上,我们要始终谨慎校正、净化和删改我们对每个可能听众所说的每个词。A place to carefully calibrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever.

不了解他删改的底本是什么,就很难对金本做出公允的评价。He did not understand the bottom that he revises should be, which will be very difficult to make the payments fair evaluation.