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它是很珍贵的。It's precious.

而对于我,它是珍贵的。For me, it is precious.

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爱到分才显珍贵。Love to just show precious.

那个木雕非常珍贵。That wood carving is very rare.

这些都是珍贵的数据。It was a treasure-trove of data.

分享珍贵甜蜜的瞬间。An unmarred, sweet moment shared.

因为这里面只有一份礼物是珍贵的。For only one of them is valuable.

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你的生命在上帝眼中是珍贵的。It is precious in the eyes of God.

这是一辆造于一九一七年的古老而珍贵的车。This is a vintage car made in 1917.

一只珍贵的古瓶掉进海里了。Arare old vase dropped into the sea.

工艺决定它的珍贵。Process determines its preciousness.

这把古老而珍贵的椅子是一七五○年造的。This antique chair was made in 1750.

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凭幸运发现那本珍贵的书。Lucked out in finding that rare book.

希望、好人缘更珍贵。Wishes, popularity are more valuable.

那只旧的玩具熊对约翰来说特别珍贵。That old toy bear is precious to John.

你的王冠上最珍贵的一颗宝石…The most precious jewel in your crown.

第一道汤最美味,第一次恋爱最珍贵。Of soup of love, the first is the best.

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她身上戴满了珍贵珠宝。She was dripping with expensive jewels.

欧洲非常珍贵的食用比目鱼。European flatfish highly valued as food.

第一道汤最美味,第一次恋爱最珍贵。Of soup and love, the first is the best.